Available Actions
A brief overview of available Actions at Partner's disposal
The Set Action endpoint is the primary function that activates the workflow between the customer and the partner. A partner can execute the Set Action endpoint as per the required Action on the customer's behalf. An action is either primary or secondary based on its implementation. Based on the partner's user role, here are the details about available actions.
Here is a list of Actions available at the partner's disposal. The following actions apply to users with the Drafter role.
Send All: After an eSet has been created, and the final version of the draft is sitting in Drafter’s inbox with the status “To be Released and Signed”, the user can send the eBL to the Agent and/or Carrier to be signed.
Manage documents: This action allows the user to upload Pdf documents and attach them to the eSet.
Other actions: gives access to more options based on the user’s role.
Re-match Documents: Once the eBL data have been matched and are sitting in Drafter’s inbox, the user can take the eBL back to the matching screen to verify the individual fields, ensuring they have been matched correctly. This includes the Vessel, Master’s Name, Inspector (where applicable), Vessel Agent (where applicable) and the Cargo Type the vessel is loading.
Delete: This action Voids the eSet (even if signed) and moves it to the Filed folder.
The following actions apply to users with Exchange roles.
Transfer: Once the eSet has been signed by the Agent and/or the Carrier and is sitting in the Exchange user’s inbox, the latter will have the option to transfer the title by selecting between three main types of endorsements:
- To Order Endorsement: This function enables you to endorse the eDoc(s) to the order of an identified third party.
- Straight Endorsement: This function enables you to endorse the eDoc(s) to an identified third party without that third party being able to further/negotiate the eDoc(s).
- Blank Endorse: The new holder's identity will not be apparent on the bill's reverse, bearing your endorsement. The eB/L(s) will be Bearer bills.
For each one of the different transfer types, the user will have the option to select the finance type of transfer:
- No Finance: (i.e. open account)
- eUCP Documentary Credit: ePresentation under an eUCP letter of credit
- eDocumentary Collections: ePresentation under a documentary collection
- Bank Payment Obligation (BPO): Transfer of eB/L(s) into escrow and submission of final data under a BPO.
If the consignee is named on the eBL, the first option will be “Send Original “ – this option will transfer the title to the party named on the consignee field on the eBL without applying any endorsement stamp on the back.
Sign and Send: After the transfer has been drafted, this action will allow the user to complete it, sign it and send it to the next party.
Produce: Surrender original eBL to Carrier for cargo’s discharge.
Return: Once the eSet has been transferred to either the consignee named on the eBL or to order, the party receiving the title has the ability to return it to the previous title holder. To send a document set (including the eBoL/eWW/etc) to the previous party who transferred it to the Partner customer.
Official Copy: This function enables the end receiver of the cargo to download or email an official copy of the eBL to clear the customs procedures at the discharge port.
Request Print Convert: This function enables a user to request that the Carrier issue an original paper B/L that will replace the existing eB/L. This action is required if the next party in the trade chain is not using the CargoDocs platform. While performing a Print Convert, the Carrier’s electronic signature is removed, and the eB/L is voided in CargoDocs.
Consignor Recut: This functionality allows users to request changes to the eBL. Once an amendment has been requested, the Carrier and/or Agent is notified to Approve or Reject it. If the title has been returned and an endorsement stamp is displayed on the back of the eBL, the user will also have to cross-endorse it. A Consignor recut can be used when the Holder wants to avoid obtaining Shipper consent to the change and will replace the Consignor with the requesting party.
Consignor Split: This functionality allows the user to request the eBL to be split into more than one eBL. The system will automatically calculate the percentage of the split based on the unit of measure. The request will go directly to the Carrier and/or Agent; once accepted, a new set of eBLs will be created, signed and re-issued to the Consignor and the old one will be voided. A Consignor split can be used when the Holder wants to avoid obtaining Shipper's consent to the split and will replace the Consignor with the requesting party.
Consignee Recut: This functionality trigger a request for the identity of the Consignor/Consignee in the selected eB/L(s) be Switched. The consent parties must approve the request – Consignor, Carrier and/or Agent. Once accepted, new eB/L(s) will be issued to the Consignee with the requested amendment, and the old one will be voided.
Consignee Split: This function allows the Consignee to request the eBL to be split into more than one eBL. The consent parties must approve the request – Consignor, Carrier and/or Agent. Once accepted, a new set of eBLs will be created, signed and re-issued and the old one voided.
File: Moves the selected eSet to the Filed folder.
Consignor Recut & Print Convert: This functionality allows the user to request a recut while requiring the Carrier to issue original paper B/Ls in the new split quantities to replace the existing eB/L. A Consignor recut can be used when the Holder wants to avoid obtaining Shipper consent to the change and will replace the Consignor with the requesting party.
Consignee Recut & Print Convert: This functionality allows the Consignee to request a recut while requiring the Carrier to issue an original paper B/L to replace the existing eB/L. this request will have to be accepted by the consignor. The Consignor’s consent is required, and the resulting B/Ls.
Sign and Send: After the transfer has been drafted, this action will allow the user to complete it, sign it and send it to the next party. This Works with DRAFT_PRESENT or DRAFT_TRANSFER and allows a manager or second person to reconfirm the endorsement and transfer the eSet to the counterparty or bank.
Cross Endorse: When the title has been returned, and an endorsement stamp is displayed on the back of the eBL, before the new title holder can proceed and request an amendment, the stamp must be crossed by the receiver. Cross-out an endorsement added to an eBoL/eWW/etc. which was then returned to the party actioning the document.
Draft Present / Draft Transfer: To identify the type of endorsement and which bank or buyer the eSet will be transferred to Draft_Present or Draft_Transfer.
Send Original: Special /case when an eBoL is issued to the shipper, and the consignee is a named party on the eBoL, the eSet can be sent without an endorsement to the named consignee.
Surrender: Sends the eSet back to the issuing party (i.e., a carrier or warehouse keeper) to release the goods.
Cancel Draft: Undo the draft present or draft transfer action, in case of a mistake.
Resend: Re-send the same eSet back to the party who returned it.
Updated over 1 year ago